About Us


is an online booking engine OBE that connects property owners and hosts with people who are looking for affordable accommodation, helping them to benefit from the digital transformation.


Connecting guests from around the world with MENA hosts through a shared economy platform, Providing affordable convenient and more customized stays and experiences.


Becoming number 1 marketplace for lodging and home stay in MENA.


To create a shared economy model provided through a user friendly,multifunctional, and 100 % online booking engine in a form of a platform with a maximum number of suppliers and best rates globally, to connect guests and hosts from around the world.


Offering a secured and innovative platform that ensure smooth digital transformation in the target market.

About Us


is an online booking engine OBE that connects property owners and hosts with people who are looking for affordable accommodation, helping them to benefit from the digital transformation.


Connecting guests from around the world with MENA hosts through a shared economy platform, Providing affordable convenient and more customized stays and experiences.


Becoming number 1 marketplace for lodging and home stay in MENA.


To create a shared economy model provided through a user friendly,multifunctional, and 100 % online booking engine in a form of a platform with a maximum number of suppliers and best rates globally, to connect guests and hosts from around the world.


Offering a secured and innovative platform that ensure smooth digital transformation in the target market.


SKYSAMA is an online booking engine OBE that connects property owners and hosts with people who are looking for affordable accommodation, helping them to benefit from the digital transformation.

© 2022 SKYSAMA